2021 Quinta do Valdoeiro white
With a clear aspect and a citrine colour with greenish nuances, this is a young white wine obtained from the Arinto, Bical and Chardonnay grape varieties, which presents an intense aromatic profile in the nose and a mineral character in the mouth. The aftertaste is fresh and pleasant.
Situated in the parish of Vacariça, county of Mealhada, Quinta do Valdoeiro was acquired by the Messias Family, in the 1940s.
After 1985, Messias, having already as a crucial strategy the control of the raw material for the production of high-quality wines, carried out the gradual reconversion of the vineyards of Quinta do Valdoeiro.
Currently covering 130 hectares, of which 70 are dedicated to winegrowing, the property is included in an integrated protection zone, in which the enemies of the vine are combated using ecologically safe methods.