Touriga Nacional in different terroirs
Considered the Queen grape variety of Portugal, it is widespread in various regions of the country and is characterized by its primary aromas that harmonize between floral and fruity notes. It produces wines of intense and deep colour, as well as with a great potential for ageing.
Therefore, in order for you to explore single varietal wines of this grape variety, originating from different terroirs, we have brought together 6 red wines to start your adventure in the organoleptic sensations.
This set includes:
Beira Interior: 2021 Adega do Fundão Touriga Nacional red
Douro: 2018 Busto Touriga Nacional Reserva red
Dão: 2021 Evidência Touriga Nacional Reserva red
Alentejo: 2019 Júlio Bastos Dona Maria Touriga Nacional Reserva red
Península de Setúbal: 2022 Casa Ermelinda Freitas Fat Baron Touriga Nacional red
Lisboa: 2015 Vale das Areias Touriga Nacional red
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